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Hyperledger Blockchain Group Discussion in Bahasa Indonesia
·163 words·1 min
telegram Hyperledger Blockchain Indonesia
Ketagihan Diperhatikan membuatmu jadi Kurang Kreatif
·603 words·3 mins
Belajar Django Tutorial untuk Pemula
·102 words·1 min
Django Python kelas teknologi
Belajar Neural Networks dan Deep Learning
·117 words·1 min
Python Machine Learning PyTorch TensorFlow kelas teknologi
Ulasan Kursus Coursera: Google IT Automation with Python
·165 words·1 min
Python Coursera Google git Linux
when disaster strikes
·9 words·1 min
Flutter Web: Service Worker & Progressive Web App (PWA)
·437 words·3 mins
Dart Flutter
Jago Django
·98 words·1 min
JagoDjango Django Python telegram
Halo Dekade Baru
·27 words·1 min
blog hello world


Indonesia Web Community Leaders Summit - WebUnconf 2019
·382 words·2 mins
Google webunconf